
Adoption finalized?

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Once a judge finalizes an adoption does a letter go out to the birth parents stating their child has legally been adopted? This is an open adoption so it wouldn't matter but I'm curious. Both parents have signed they wish not to be in court for any reason when they signed their parental rights relinquishment papers.




  1. Nothing will be sent to the birth parents.  Once their parental rights have been terminated, they have no standing in any court proceedings regarding the child.

  2. Once the birthparents relinquish their rights, that is it. We were told that our daughter would be adopted right away, but she wasn't, she was 6 weeks old when someone adopted her and spent all that time in leg braces. We had no idea, until we found her.

  3. I have no idea. We adopted a child from Korea and she is 21 now.  I would check with the attorney and ask this question.  Enjoy you new baby and have a happy life.  I can't beleive the little baby we got at 3 1/2 months is now an adult!  Congratulations!

  4. No a letter does not go to the birth parents. Once the termination papers are signed that is all the info they get unless the adoption agency themselves chooses to let them know

  5. The finalization does not involve the birthparents in any way. It's possible that this varies from state to state but in Massachusetts it does not involve the birthparents at all and I think it's a pretty consistent thing. What actually happens here is that the parents sign away their rights to the child long before the adoption is finalized. At that point the adoptive parents have custody of the child. However, the adoption agency itself actually has some rights to the child until the adoption is finalized, not the birthparents. The adoption agency would therefore be the ones to have custody over the child if anything fell through before the finalization and they would (under most circumstances) automatically look for another adoptive family for the child. This is all info just as far as I know but I do think it is accurate.

  6. As far as I know, once you sign away your parental rights, thats the end of it.

  7. Nope, I don't think anything goes to the birth parents when you finalize.  Usually finalization happens months after they relinquished their rights anyway- at that point they have no legal parental rights so there would be no need to notify them.  The state the baby was born should be notified through court documents, though, so that they can process a new birth certificate reflecting the adoptive parents as mother and father.

  8. No,once the birthparents sign their surrenders or relinquishments, they agree to having no more information sent to them regarding the adoption.

    Now if the agency or attorney they work with chooses to give them information, that is another matter.

  9. That's a good question, I don't believe so, the relinquishment papers state the relinquishment date, plus, more times than not, the biological father cannot be located, so where would they send that document? I'm curious to hear the answers, as our adoption will not be finalized until October, and possibly, each state is different as well.

  10. My son's bparents were not notified of the finalization by the courts...though we told them as we also have an open adoption.

  11. having personally been in this situation i can tell you no the birth parent is not notified if they are paying child support up until the adoption is finalized then they will get a final bill stating how much back pay they owe but thats it

  12. I don't know but congratulations wish the best for you and your new family.
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