
Adoption help.... not for me... just... curious?

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do you have to not be able to get pregnant in order to adopt... because my best friends moms sisters friend IS able to get pregnant but doesn't want to go through all that pain. Can she do that even though she CAN get pregnant??




  1. You can adopt for any reason.

  2. I can just imagine the conversation in the future when the child asks, "Mommy, why did you adopt me?"

    "Well honey, mommy loves you very much but she just didn't think you were worth a few hours of pain and a couple of stretch marks..."

    Or something like that.

  3. Yes she can.

    It will depend now on what type of adoption she wants.  Does she want to adopt out of the country or in?

    I know that when I was looking through potential adoptive parents there were a few who chose not to go through with pregnancy and to adopt me that turned me off....but to each their own.

  4. Of course she can . As long as she meets the necessary requirements.

  5. "best friends moms sisters friend"

    Yeah ok !

    "all that pain"

    Is a ridiculous reason to adopt, you should only adopt a baby/child because you want to give that baby/child the absolute best possible life and home.

    I have a severely LOW pain threshold and I birthed two babies vaginally!

  6. Certainly she can.  My oldest is adopted, my next youngest was born to my wife and I and my youngest is adopted.  It was never a factor for us at all.

  7. Adoption is open to people with or without fertility problems.  In my pre-adoption research, I did find an agency that only worked with infertile couples, but I found many more that did not have an infertility requirement.

  8. Your best friends moms sisters friend probably has more reasons than just not going through the pain of pregnancy.  I would think that she doesn't need to share with you why she wants to adopt.

    However, not wanting to go through the pain of childbirth is not the best reason to adopt a child.  Though of course anyone can adopt as long as they are qualified, whether or not they are infertile.

    This really isn't your business.  Even if it was your best friend who was wanting to adopt, it wouldn't be your business.  Since it is your best friends moms sisters friend cousins niece well, yeah you really have no reason to question to this.    Basically BUTT out of everyone else's business.

  9. Yes.. of course she can adopt... Almost anyone can adopt whether or not they can have children natrually has absolutely nothing to do with it!

  10. I personally think that because someone "doesn't want to go through all that pain" is a personal decision and it's an extremely immature decision.  Are you sure she just doesn't want stretch marks?  There is no law that you have to be infertile in order to adopt.  I don't think it's wise to adopt because you don't want to ruin your figure or experience a little pain.  Shallow...........if you ask me-and you did.

  11. Sure! Anyone can adopt. It's really great to let another woman go through all of the pain of labor - 14 hours, 20 hours - and then a LIFETIME of pain just so another woman can have a baby, HER baby, her FOREVER baby!

    Where the heck did humanity get off track, and how did we get HERE???

  12. No you don’t have to be infertile in order to adopt. Now there might be some agencys that might favor infertile couple/people. However that is not the case with all of them.  People adopt for all kinds of reasons, some people adopt who already have children.  This will not prevent  your friends Aunt from Adopting. She would just have to find the right place.

  13. all that pain????

    what a slap in the face.

    hey, tell your friend's mom that many of us want children, but are not head over heels about "all that pain, either". the difference is that we are not audacious enough to expect another woman to do it for us.

  14. Yes, of course. It's kind of like adopting a puppy when you're already taking care of one. Hope I helped to make my answer seem more understandable.

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