
Adoption help...?

by  |  earlier

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I want to search for my family. My mom was adopted in 1962 from Italy. My question in how do i go about trying to find her real parents...does anyone know any web sites that can help...

Any info will be greatly appreciated...

Serious answers please...




  1. before you do anything- does she know you are/want to start searching?

    please, please don't do this without her permission or knowledge.  searching is intensely personal.  i would never, ever recommend surprising her.

  2. Always start with the records of interment in cemeteries, in this case Italian cemeteries. This could eliminate a lot of useless searching.

  3. Step1

    The best aid I have found (in finding my adopted sister--who I found 2 years ago), is a Search Angel -- someone who is experienced in looking for adoptees in a particular state for FREE. You can find one through various online adoption forums or via If you are not located in the state of the adoptee they are helpful in doing some footwork should you have information on the adoptee and his/her possible whereabouts.


    If you know only the birth date and the state in which the adoptee was adopted, don't be discouraged. Most people stay in the same state and can be found by acquiring a birth date search by s*x (male or female) for that particular state. Ask your Search Angel for assistance in getting such a list. Once you get a list, you would simply create a mailing to those people who come up on that list. I found my sister by doing such a mailing. The letter went to her parents' house. They still lived in the same house after all those years.


    If you do opt to do the mailing, be sure not to divulge all your information in the letter as you need some information to use for verification purposes, when someone responds. You want to make sure the person who responds is the person you are seeking. Also, provide an email address, for instance, in your mailing and encourage people receiving your mailing to contact you (even if they are not the person you are seeking), so that you can eliminate them from your list.
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