
Adoption laws in arizona are closed,but what if the people who adopt,then divorce,one goes to a difernt state?

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the children go with the female into a different state,nevada,after they have been there any way you can open up old cases?or you find the oldest is in trouble,what can you do?




  1. You have to understand the definition of 'closed' adoption.  Closed adoption just means that the birth parents and adoptive parents did not know each other and/or did not mean before and during the adoption.  

    Which means if you are involved with the adoption, being either parent or child you can get the records.

    when a adoption is 'sealed' which they have not been since somewhere around the late 70's, you have to have a judge open them.  

    they can be 'sealed' but a judge has to do it and it has to be for a very very good reason.

  2. You really need to clarify your question. Who are you in the adoption and what is your goal?

  3. You can open up old cases, but it is closed, it generally requires a crime to be involved.

    I assume that you are a birthparent. If you know where your child is and know that a crime is being committed or that the adoptive parents lied (one of them was mentally ill, for instance), you can contact the police in Nevada in the county where the child is or talk to the police in your own community.  Because of Lois Jurgen's conviction, law enforcement isn't going to treat you like an idiot (well, I suppose it depends on where you come from, but cops in general aren't idiots).

    Otherwise, if you are concerned, contact CPS in the county that the child now lives in and they can investigate as they do all inquiries.

  4. I'm not sure that I understand the question fully, but "closed" adoption refers to the relationship between the adoptive family and the biological family.  If two people adopted a child, they are now the legal parents.  If they divorce and one moves out of state, the other adoptive parent still has legal rights to the child just as if they had had a biological child.  Child support and visitation still apply to both adoptive parents.

    Hope that helps.

  5. The adoption will be governed by the state it is done in. But if one of the children is in trouble, treat it like any other situation of a child in trouble and report it to child protective services

  6. It is the state where the children were adopted, not where you move to that matters here.  If the adoption was finalized in AZ, then those are the laws that apply.

    Opening up old cases has to be in the best interest of the child!  It is not for the adults.

    Not sure what you are asking here, but if you find out one of the kids is "in trouble"?  That child's legal custodial parent is in charge here, unless the parent is abusing.neglecting the children.

    Hope that helps!

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