
Adoption names?

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If you are adopted does your surname change to the adopter's. Or does it stay the same. If it does change, does the name on your birth certificate change aswell?




  1. After a child is adopted their name is legally changed to the name of their parents. The name of the birth certificate does not change, though.

  2. It depends on the state you live in- here in CA the birth certificate is changed & the first one sealed. Our son's birth certificate says he was born to us.

  3. Yes your surname changes to the family name and it also changes on your bith cert and your adopted parents are put on as your parents xx

  4. When a baby is adopted, their original birth certificate is "sealed" meaning it is no longer accessible.  The child is issued a new amended birth certificate that lists his/her adoptive parents as the parents and lists any name changes.

    I just recently was able to get my original birth certificate and it has a completely different name on it than the amended one.

  5. It depends on your states adoption laws and the type of adoption that you are having or have been a part of.  

    This is fact, not just opinion.

    I was adopted over 30 years ago. My original birth certificate with my birth parents names on it is sealed.  I am not able to obtain it.  It is locked away.  The only access to a birth certificate that I have is an amended one, with my adopted name and my adoptive parents on it.  They also change your county of birth to the county you were adopted in.  It is completely fabricated.  

    This was and is not voluntary in some states.  This is mandatory.  Check your states laws.

  6. When a child is adopted his surname *can* be changed (I don't think it *has* to be) and the child is issued a new, amended birth certificate with his new name and his adoptive parents' names listed as the parents.

    In some states both original and amended birth certificates remain on record. In other states, the original birth certificate is "sealed" and no longer available.

  7. You can change your birth certificate or not.  It is up to the parents if the child is a minor.  Even when children are adopted at birth there is a birth certificate with the birth mother's name and then a new birth certificate with the new last name after the adoption is finalized.  If the child is older they may not want to change their name and they can talk to their adoptive parents about it.  This can happen when a single mom remarries and her husband adopts the children - then the birth certificate can be redone or just the name can be changed legally.  I hope this makes sense.

  8. when you are adopted your surname is changed to thee surname of th person who adoptes you and your birth certificate is also changed giving the information in such a way as to appear that the person was your biological parent congratulations on being adopted

  9. The original name on the birth certificate does not change, however, an adoptee takes on the name of the family who adopts them.

  10. the adoptive family could change or add some to the present name of the child. They will change the last name for sure/ Birth mother gave my son one  name but I changed it. She knew what name I was giving the baby, and he came home from the hospital with me. But she still choose to give it a name that when on one birth certificate and changed when the adoption was final

  11. A new birth certificate is issued with the adopter's names in place of the parents, and a new name for the adoptee.

    But nothing is forever!  I was adopted as in infant and everything was changed.  At 24 I changed by surname BACK to my REAL name, that reflects my clan.

  12. This is totally personal preference. Since you are in court for the adoption, you normally do a legal name change at that time.  You can change it to anything that you want. My daughter has  a last name that is a combination of mine and my husband's. Her middle and first names were chosen by us. Her new birth certificate was issued with her new name. It is re-issued in the state where the adoption is finalized. It has to be or the adopting parents would have no legal rights if the child became sick for instance.  Hope that helps.

  13. u  should name the kid twinki

  14. yes the name changes on your birth certificate

  15. Yes your name will change to the surname of your adoptive parents. You will also get a new birth certificate with their names on it. Though sometimes a copy of your original Birth certificate  might be in your adoption file.

  16. your name does not change if uve been adopted and your birth certificate names stays the same unless your parents want it changed

  17. your surname does change to the adopters name. but yu do have birth certificate. it does stay the way the bio parents named the child and therefore you do have certificate. but you have to know the name perfect and then you can write and get it yourself.

  18. your adoptive parent can decide that. I don't think it would change on your birth certificate, that is the name that you were born with.

  19. it doesn't change

  20. They change your name to whatever they want, issue a fake birth certificate (which is 'legal' but may prevent you being able to obtain a passport)

    and then they seal away your real birth certificate so you can never see it again

    (this is in the USA - not in other countries)
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