I'm pregnant and don't plan on giving my baby up but after seeing the movie "Juno", it opened my eyes to adoption and I thought of if the baby had been biracial.
Let me put it in my situation. I'm mixed [Black/Irish/Native American] and the father is mixed too [Ecuadorian/Chinese/French]...so the baby would be mixed of all 5 main races lol...but to the outside,world, they'd be Black/Hispanic
I'm light-skinned and often mistaken for Hispanic so I'm pretty sure since the baby's father looks Hispanic, the baby would come out looking Hispanic.
Now if the baby looks Hispanic but is Black/Hispanic, would it be better to place that child with an interracial couple, a Hispanic couple or Black couple so the baby would be less confused? I think the baby should be placed with the family that looks most like them so they won't have an "identity crisis". I don't mean to sound racist or offend anyone. And I'm not putting my baby up for adoption, I'm just asking hypothetically.