
Adoption of a step child in Georgia??

by  |  earlier

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My husband would like for me to adopt his 2 minor children. The mother gave him custody and has nothing to do with them. How do we go about me adopting them?




  1. I understand what you are going through 100%. I just adopted my step-son last March! He is now MY baby boy. First, the biological mother has to relinquish her parental rights. Have an attorney draw up the form. She can meet you anywhere to sign it in front of a notary. Then, proceed with the adoption. You will have to have your fingerprints taken, a background check on you done, and a home study completed by a caseworker. Pretty silly since the child already lives with you, but you know the RED TAPE. The entire process should take about 3-4 months, if everything checks out. We paid 2000 dollars for our adoption, but you get it back at the end of the year!!! The income tax refund will reinburse you whatever the expenses were!!!!!! Good luck!

  2. When I married my wife, we talked of changing her sons surname to ours, by adoption but found this wasnt the best route in the end, he still calls me dad (even though he is 28) and he still sees his natural father, as long as the family is loving and secure, then I dont see a need to adopt them,

  3. A similar question was already asked recently, and i think you will find the majority will say not to adopt them. They already have your surname as its the same as your husbands (i'm presuming?)

    You already have guardianship of them and so long as he has stated that you are to look after them should anything happen to him in his will then that covers that as well.

    The Mother I believe would have to sign papers giving ALL Parental rights to the children away

    Is she prepared to do that ?

    How old are the children ?

    You may find that they may resent you later on.....

    Just a few things to think about.

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