
Adoption online??

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i was wondering if anyone would know about any websites that offer you a chance to look at photos of children who need to be adopted. They can be international or domestic.

Also if anyone would know about any websites that had biracial Asian kids, or a website that had lots of displays of biracial kids.

thanks so much.

picking best answer as well. so please give some good sites!!





  1. You can't shop for children like your looking for doesnt work that way. You are looking for a life long connection to TWO people, a baby and his or her mother, you cant find that online.

    look into adoption agency's..


    It doesnt have kids that you can look at and choose its a long process

  3. Sorry Madison,

    Adoption of children doesn't work like shopping.  Adopting is far more involved than looking at photos & picking out the one you like best.

    First, there is an extensive homestudy required of you.  A criminal background will be conducted, reference letters & interviews, your health, your finances, your relatives, your home, etc.  Then a determination will be made if you are qualified to adopt at all.  If you are, then social workers determine if there is a specific available child that they feel you could best meet their needs.

    If you are serious & willing to do all that to be considered a qualified adoptive home, then best of luck to you.  Please remember that children available for adoption do not need any extra exploitation.  Thank you.

    julie j

    reunited adoptee

  4. Rainbow kids is the biggest international listing I have seen. It is a collection of many agencies available children on one site with links to the agency that has them. is the biggest domestic listing. I found my daughter there just before Christmas and brought her home Feb 1st.

    There are also referral agencies that list "adoption situations". Pregnant woman who are not yet matched with a family. Agencies or attorneys may not have a family available for that particular woman and they network to find someone for her. Let me know if you need these, I will get them for you.

    There are some available infants usually posted here for private adoption:

    Also private adoption situations on and

    I hope thats enough to get you started. If you have any questions, let me know. good luck!

    ~~Yeah!! Thumbs down for the ONLY person that actually answered the question correctly!

    / Doesn't get this place.

  5. I think there are  some websites  that display pictures of older kids trying to encourage  parents to become interested in them. I feel bad for kids that are  "marketed"  this way. If this is what you are interested in I would probably go through social services at my country and see how the foster care/adoption works. Also they may have a network to find another child in foster care if they don't have any child that is a good fit for you.

    There are also sights where potential adoptive parents advertise their profile hoping to attract a pregnant woman considering making an adoption plan. This kind of sight makes more sense to me (and is how we found my daughter's mom). In this case people are putting themselves on the internet and reaching out to woman. It is still sort of "marketing" but I don't know a way around this is a first mom is going to have the opportunity to find a family for her child. Also it is not the baby that is being "marketed". It is a way for the first mom to find people who she is interested and start the process of learning more about them.

    I think you can find several sights like this if you search for "waiting families" and if you visit the web  sites of any adoption agency, they usually have a link to let you view their families. Also by the time people are shown on  this site they usually have an approved home study.On these sites the prospective adoptive parents can say what kind of child they are open to (race, special needs etc). The more situations you are open to, the higher the likelihood that you'll find a match.

  6. there are lots of sites to "look" at children to adopt. is one. But you cannot adopt on line. You would be refered to an agency of some sort and will have to meet personally with them many times before even seeing the child. But what we were told is the child whose photos put on line are the ones who have been available to adopt for a very long time and probably have many issues, disabilities  or are a large sibling group. so it takes a special kind of family to get approved to adopt them.
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