We are grandparents with custody of our 4 year old grandson since August 2007. We were going to get permenant guardiansgip but SCC is pushing hard for adoption, but we can't afford it unless it comes w/medicaid etc... They tell us he qualifies as 'special needs' just because he's asian descent (white mother, Filipino father). Is this true? (I did read the 7 guidelines):
In Florida "Special needs" children are those children in the care & custody of Florida's DCF or a licensed private child placing agency & who meet at least 1 of the following criteria:
1. The child has significant emotional ties w/his foster parents. (He meets this)
2. The child is at least 8 years old. (no)
3. The child is mentally retarded. (no)
4. The child is physically handicapped. (no)
5. The child is emotionally handicapped. (Yes Pstd, adhd)
6. The child is black/racially mixed heritage. (yes)
7. The child is a member of a sibling group (no)