I have a 3 yr old bio daughter and 1 yr old bio son. I have always said I'd have two children, and adopt a third. So we started our homestudy when my son was 5 mo. old. I got cold feet on the adoption AND wanting a third child so we stopped and on with life we went, thinking we were done.
Until recently when we decided that we wanted a third. Joey is now 14 months and we've decided its time to start TTC #3. And now, I have this adoption "urge" in my head and heart again. I can't fight it. But I am petrified of it. I am afraid that if we have a third bio child, then I'll never adopt. I'm afraid I'll adopt a child and won't feel the same way as I do about my bio children. I'm afraid that my bio children won't "fit in" with our adopted child. I'm afraid I will s***w up my life, and all 3 of my children's lives. My husband remains open to the idea, EXCEPT that he is adamant that we can't afford adoption right now, which is NOT true. Will it be tough? Absolutely but we can do it. Help!