
Adoption papers in bc?

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I know that adoption papers are open in alberta to the adoptee rights but is it in BC and how do i go about getting them




  1. sorry I can't help any more than to give you this link to BC adoption information.

    I know the US state laws fairly well.

    Good luck

  2. I see that you have also posted some information on yourself as well, so I will try to help you the best I can.  

    First question:  Do you have your non-identifying information?  This would include your date of birth, minimal information about the birth mother and father.  It could also contain information if she had any brothers or sisters; minimal information on your biological grandparents.  Possibly the ages of the siblings (if any) and the ages of BM/BF.  It will not be the dates of birth, but just the age as to how old they are when you were born.  You will just have to do the math.  

    Look for any important information in your BM's father died one year prior to my birth.  So, to search the family, I went back and checked the consensus book from 1971 and believe me, it was a very long tedious read, but finally there was success.  But because I had that information, I was also able to look in the OBITS from 1971, and found what could of been my family.  I also though knew my initial of my last name, so it was a little easier.  But knowing that my grandfather died and what they did for a living really helped my search.  All of the information that I had was in my non-identifying info.  It is very important that you recieve that first.  It helps out more than you will ever know.  

    As for the opening the adoption papers, I live in Ontario, and I know that they are going to pass that into law as of next month that any adoptee/adopted person will be able to obtain there adoption certificate that will have the parents names, etc...You should look, or even know where your adoption was finalized.  Through a church, an agency, private.  This is where you would send your request for non-identifying info.  Maybe if your adoption was in a province that does allow to get your adoption certificate, you could get lucky.  

    Also, there is a website called  This is a Canadian and is also has valuable information on how to search.  The other site is Canadopt--register yourself on those sites.

    Also, if you can, talk to your parents or someone in the family who you feel comfortable with.  

    It can take some time, but be patient.  I have finally found my family last year, and it was not the fairy tale ending that I thought it would be.  Be prepared for both--I do however have an amazing relationship with my uncle, but my birth mother, I could care less.  

    So I hope this is helpful, and good luck.
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