
Adoption please help?

by  |  earlier

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i want my husband to adopt my children, their loser sperm doner is making it very hard for us even though he has not been around,

anyone been through a similar situation and could help us.




  1. Sorry, but the FIRST thing you need to do is:  Stop calling the children's bio father a "loser sperm donor".  This does them more harm (even if you do not do it in front of them!) than the good that could be done by your husband adopting them.  No matter what kind of man he is.  They are part of him, like it or not.  It won't take them long to figure that out and begin to think of themselves as part "loser", too.

  2. Would that be the 'loser sperm donor' you picked to father your children?

    Please stop calling him that!  You're HURTING them by insulting half of who they are!

  3. i tried for quite some time to do this and as long as dad is involved the courts won't allow it.  My sons dad hasn't been around since i was pregnant(11yrs ago) yet i still need his consent for my husband to adopt him although we were able to get his name changed without his consent. If your husband and son love each other like father and son and think of each other as father and son then do you really need a formal adoption proceeding?

    We just settled for the name change and my son is happy with that.

  4. Unless the child's biological or legal father (the man you were married to when the child was born, even if he is not the biological father) gives up his rights to his son, your husband cannot adopt him.


  5. that loser sperm donor must have been allright at some time

    what happened ? all his fault ?

  6. I would see an adoption counselor.
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