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do adoption agentcies{i cant spell that word} let

1:single moms

2:a mom around the age of 25{out of college or finishing it}



i want to adopt some twin boys when i am older and i was just wondering if it is "frowned upon" or whatever.

is it illigal not to let somebody adopt if they are single,younger{but still responsible},and g*y?




  1. It depends where you wan tto adopt from

    Every country has different policies however you need o be finacnially stable, sometimes prove infertility, and be willing to stay home with the child/ren for a specified amount of time

  2. There are different laws for each state, so you would need to find out what the laws are in your state.  Then, if the laws allow it, you need to talk to different agencies because different agencies have different requirements.  The agency my husband and I adopted through required that you be married for at least 2 years before you could be approved to adopt through that agency.  You really need to think about the effects that a g*y person adopting a child would have on that child.  You shouldn't just adopt a child for fun, and just so you know, it's not often that you find twin infants that are placed for adoption.  Your chances for getting a single child are much higher.  If you really want to help some children out that need it, check into foster care!

  3. There are adoption agencies that are GLBT (g*y, L*****n, bi-sexual, trans-gander) Friendly.  I believe Rainbow adoptions is one of them.

    You can also go to the Human Rights Campaign page, and they should be able to help you locate some g*y friendly agencies.

  4. You shouldnt have much trouble if you live in the U.S

  5. depends...from this country it is illegal to discriminate against the parents, but each country has different rules. As far as getting twin boys, that will be very difficult from this country, and very few other countries allow singles or lesbians to adopt. Usually, with adoption, you can't be very specific in what you want. Healthy and a boy or girl is about all you can guarantee.

  6. Agencies do have age limits.

    Some agencies can and will refuse to let g*y and L*****n people adopt, but for most agencies that's not a problem.

    Single moms can adopt in the U.S., yes, but if you're looking for international adoption, then some countries have restrictions against single people adopting. (And some countries will also have restrictions against lesbians, and people under a certain age, adopting, too.)

    So the short answer is... in the U.S., you should have no trouble adopting, as long as you meet the agency's age requirement.

    Internationally, you're likely to be unable to, from a lot of countries, anyway.

    THAT BEING SAID... when you say you want to adopt twin boys... do you mean newborns? Or older children, from foster care?

    Either way you're going to have a tough time trying to request children that specific, but if you're thinking you're going to adopt newborn twin boys, um.... it's probably not going to happen. Unless you are prepared to wait years and years and years....

    Also, I'd like to ask you to consider the ethics of adoption, before you decide on adopting for sure. There are all kinds of issues with domestic infant adoption. Adopting from foster care is much more about providing a child who TRULY needs a new home, with a home.

  7. YES YES YES anyone can adopt children but u have to prove that u have no suspicion or record of child abuse, have high school diploma, have income and a good credit. that's a great thing to adopt a child. good for you. go for it.

  8. i think if you can support  the children financially & pass general screening - at you can.   you sexual prefrence should not matter.
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