When I was 16 I made a series of very stupid mistakes and I got pregnant. Almost immediatly after I found out I decided on adoption and my mom found the most amazing couple. While I was still 16 I had a girl, they named her Addison. It was an open adoption, however I don't visit, or anything like that we basically just send e-mails. They e-mail me pictures of her and give me updates and I really wish they didn't. I feel like it's really awkward e-mailing them and getting all these pictures of her. She's 4 now, started pre-school, it's just crazy how she's growing up. She looks just like me and I feel really weird about the whole thing. I really wish they would just stop contacting me all together but at the same time I don't really know if I could stand not knowing how she's doing. So my question is for anyone who's ever dealt with adoption. What should I do? Do I tell them to stop e-mailing me? Did you deal with anything similar?