
Adoption/surrogate mother low cost in NY?

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Is there a place in NY to adopt free or at very low cost? And wondering the same about getting a surrogate mother




  1. No, if there was you would be able to see the line from California.

  2. I was really cheap but that was back in the 1970s

    Sorry no more cheap babies and the ones whose mothers are 'counselled' (persuaded, coerced) by the money-making agencies that they are unworthy of being parents come with an enourmous price tag on their little heads

    There is a sliding scale though.  Yes m'aam there are pricelists for babies on agency websites.  The products (sorry babies) more in demand are always the most expensive and the ones that don't sell so well are alot cheaper and they always have a bargain basement

    Some agencies even have a returns policy so  you can try before you buy!  The call it 'disruption'

    Loads of children in foster care who really need a home though and adoption is all about the needs of the children, not your own, right ?????

  3. surrogacy can be expensive....First time  I was a surrogate i got $12,000. second time $15,000. third time delivered twins got $25,000. Fourth time got $25,000. I have delivered 9 live births at age of 36. All are beautiful and healthy. First surrogate child was my egg, the rest were the couples embryos. Alldepends on you

  4. You can adopt a puppy or kitten from a shelter for pretty cheap.

    I hear it's even kind of rewarding.

  5. The fee for a surrogate mother varies from about $10,000 to $40,000. You are also responsible for her medical care and all legal fees until she surrenders the child. My sister's relative did this a couple of times (she was a surrogate).  You should check though because not all states, including mine, will enforce surrogate agreements, so included in all of that will be IVF using your eggs or donated eggs.  That will make your case stronger should she change her mind unexpectedly once a pregnancy occurs.    Even in Texas, which supports surrogate agreements, will not always enforce the agreement if the child is biologically the surrogate mother's.

    As far as adoption, the only low cost is adopting a child from foster care.

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