Hi. We will be visiting with our child's mom in the next month for the 1st time and I am looking to get some things together for her. It will be just us and the social worker, and her child will not be there. Besides pictures, what other things would you suggest we bring? Also, can/should we bring pictures that have both her child and us in them, or only individual pictures of the child? We will be meeting with her in prision, so it will need to be something we can bring into there.
We plan to ask questions of her for her son to have some answers if she wishes to give them. What are some good questions? What would you want to know about your mom? Can/should we ask for a picture of her for his baby book? The state is requiring this to be a closed adoption, based on the abuse/neglect circumstances, so this may be our only chance to ask about her for our child's benefit. We want to give him every possible bit of info without making her feel bad or angry with us. Thanks for any help!