
Adoption while in Military?

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My husband and I are wanting to start the adoption proccess sometime shortly after I have this baby. He is in the Navy and we were wondering if it's going to be easier and cheaper to adopt because of the military status, or may they not concider it because he can be gone for 6 months at a time?




  1. My dad was in the military when he adopted all three of us.  Being of military status doesn't automatically mean you get better pricing through the adoption agency.  All it means is that you may be qualified for some benefits through the military branch you're serving & they may directly reimburse you a small percentage.  

    A lot of military personnel go on TDY so I think if everything is lined up properly & you can prove that you can still raise a child when your spouse is gone for extended periods of time that you should be okay.

  2. My husband and I are in the military as well, and we are at the beginning stages of our adoption process! The agency we are going through says that there are a bunch of military members that go through them! As long as you have all your ducks in a row your home study shouldn't take that long. Also, if for some reason you all are in the middle of the adoption process, and the military wants to give you all orders to move, you can deny them. In regards to the fact that your husband is gone for parts of the year, they are just going to want to make sure you are stable enough to hold down the "fort" while he is away. There are business men out there that adopt with their spouse, and they are gone throughout the year. A friend of mine and his wife just adopted 4 children, and they are in the military! Pretty much what I am trying to convey . . . .is go for it!!!

  3. Yes, it can be easier and cheaper.

    Look into the adoption benefit for active duty military -- helps save some $$$.  Also, you can often fly cheaper while in the military to get your baby.  Husband being deployed isn't a problem for many organizations.

    Check out this site for an org that specializies in military adoption:

    Good luck!  And thanks to you and your husband for your service!!

  4. It is not cheaper.  How long do you stay in one place?  You have to have a homestudy done but it is only good for the house they check out. So if you go through the process and get on the waiting list and have to move, you will be put on hold until they can do another homestudy.  Then you have to make sure that same agency works in the state you move to.   I hope this makes sense.  So whatever home you do the study on is the house you HAVE to bring the baby back to.

  5. I just wanted to say that my parents had me and my sister in the late 70's early 80's. (We are grown now) My dad was in the Navy. Then while stationed in Korea..they adopted my brother. He was about 3yrs old. He is Korean. I love him and wouldn't have it any other way. It worked for them so I think it should be fine for you. I don't see why they won't consider....though the adoption process takes alot of time so it may be good to start now.

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