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My friend and I both saw Juno and afterwards we were discussing the movie. She didn't like the ending, because she thought the baby should know it's real parents. We then got into a disscussion on a adoption. She said that no matter what the baby should stay with the birth parents unless they are dead. I argued that even if the mother was a druggo should she still keep the baby? Her answer was yes, and that the druggo mother should lay off the drugs. Basically I just said, "what if she doesn't?" and my frien replied "well if she doesn't after the kid is born, chances are that she didn't do so in the pregnany and then the baby had a high chance of not even being born due to complications". I replied with "If the baby is born it will be very sick, do you think the druggo is going to get the madical help for the baby?" She just said that she should be given a chance to and if she doesn't then the baby should be taken away from her. (continued next post)




  1. I think  it's just a movie

    But, back in the real world, I think every child deserves to know his/her origins, always.  That adoption should be a last resort

  2. I am adopted and sooo glad I was.... my biomom wasn't a druggie or anything like that, had her college degree, but was just starting out in her career.  I have a wonderful adoptive family and I wouldn't give them up for the world.

  3. When it's discovered the AP's are drug addicts or abusive, then what? It's out there, and it's real. People lie. Just because someone is an AP or PAP doesn't mean anything, except that they have alot of money and they are good at filling out resumes.

    Juno wasn't on drugs.

  4. The creator of the movie did not intend for it to be a political statement on either side.  It was just a movie (a good one at that)

    To discuss the different views on adoption, well, there are over 100 previous posts that are on this subject, and everyone has differening opinions, based on their world view, their experience etc.

  5. yeah i know juno is just a movie but its based off of very real circumstances.

    i feel like even though it may be hard for the child to live with someone other than biological parents, adoption is sometimes the best alternative. there are tons of people who can't have children and tons of people who are going to have children that aren't able to take care of it properly. with adoption, everyone wins and the child can grow up in a home where the parents are happy to have them

  6. i think that yes, the baby should know its origins, and who its brth parents are.I also think that if the parent is a druggie or is not capable of being a parent, the kid should be adopted by someone who can take care of it well. If the kid wants to meet thier parents, they should be allowed to.

  7. Juno was going to abort her baby at first, so if it weren't for adoption the baby wouldn't even have been born.  I think adoption is a wonderful thing.  It gives couples who can't conceive themselves a chance to be wonderful parents, and it gives the kids a chance to have wonderful loving parents.  If the birth parents don't want the child then I can't see how it would be beneficial for anyone to make the child stay with them

    Edit:  Why am I getting so many thumbs down?  Perhaps someone could answer to say why?  It's just that I didn't realize I was being offensive or even controversial and if I was I'd like to know.

  8. well its just a movie even though it happens in th real world any way shes puttin the worlds problems on her shoulders shes going to think whats she believes so you should do the same and skip the same conversation about it and change the subjet

    i hope i helped byye

  9. Basically Adoptions a tricky thing. Juno, was able to raise her baby, even though she was a teenager. (never seen the movie)

    Granted once a mother has a baby, she should realize that babies needs comes before her own and do what is best for that baby, but lets face it that doesn't always happen.

    Juno (I believe from comercals) had a adoption where she picked the parents, great, that's the best thing a mother can do to insure the baby is taken care of.

    Adoption blind is a bad thing. Know the parents your giving your baby too. Cause they might be crazy and abusive

    Personally a mother should try and take care of there baby first, but if not then look into adoption but do it 100% finding the prefect family.
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