
Adoptive Parents: Do you feel as though you have purchased a baby?

by Guest67130  |  earlier

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Adoptive Parents: Do you feel as though you have purchased a baby?




  1. Absolutely not. There are no price tags on children.

  2. well they do, but the lawyers and agenciues get the money instead of the mother.

    the mafia calls it laundering.

  3. i see paying adoption fees no different than paying hospital/doctor fees for the birth of a child.

  4. No.  there is no amount of money that could compare to being part of raising a child.  the rewards and the good and even the bad days you couldn't put a price on.

  5. No.  My children were in need of a home, and I have not paid one cent on teh adoption, except gas to get to and from the adoption office.  (and man that gas was expensive!)

  6. No, we only paid the medical costs.  Both of my sisters gave birth to children within 4 months of our adopting our daughter and we actually paid less than they did in medical costs.

  7. I positively do not.  Our daughter is a gift from God and her biological mother to us.  Children are gifts they are not purchased they are loved and cherished for as long as you are allowed to have them.  God allows us to keep his little ones for a while but we must remember they are his as are we and He can call them or us home at any time.

  8. No but I am sure I helped pay for a nice down payment of my lawyers new

  9. Well its a good thing adoption isn't just about what the adoptive parents think.

    <insert snort here>

  10. WHEN I DO adopt.. I plan to at the very least SERIOUSLY consider foster-adopt.. but either way I'll do my blumminest to make sure it's an ethhical adoption.. of course there'll be expenses to be paid.. there would be if I was having a biological child at a hospital, too!!  

    Not to negate anyone else's feelings (They're entitled to them) but I don't feel that I was purchased by my parents.. they spent a few thousand dollars in pre-natal/labor delivery care for me, and yet mom STILL had to work hard for 12 hours in the delivery room.. she had to pay AND work.. what a bum "deal" is that?? (she always made me feel I was "worth it" though.. sheesh how can I NOT love that woman..)

    and not to mention all the money they spent on me since I was born!! (I'm 28 and STILL can't get my mom to stop spending money on me!!) they put me through college!! I don't feel I was "purchased" in any way.. but as I said that's just me.. Other people  have a right to feel differently...

  11. Okay, I can't type the words I really wanted to use to respond.  :)  But ABSOLUTELY NOT!  

    Children are not commodities to be bought and sold.  Which brings up an interesting point....for those people who DO say that APs are "purchasing" a child, wouldn't that also infer that a bio parent is "selling" the child?  And why then would it only be the AP who gets the grief?

  12. No, I absolutely do NOT feel as though I have purchased a baby.  I paid an adoption agency for the services of their employees, I paid USCIS for being fingerprinted and getting approval, I paid each of three Chinese orphanages a fee which enables them to provide support for the children who still live there, and I paid the airlines and hotels for travel.  I did not pay anyone for my children!

  13. Actually NO and hopefully my children will NEVER feel that we were PAID to take care of them because we didn't pay a cent for the adoption and our children recieve a Special Needs Adoption Subsidy (which goes into their College/Adult Life fund)

  14. No.  And I find the allusion some people make to equate adoption to purchasing a child to be insulting and inflammatory.

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