
Adoptive mom gets 11 years for adoption fraud...faces more time?

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When this story first came out I found it nauseating. I can't believe she only got 11 years for the unspeakable things she did to those kids. I also do not understand how she was able to get to adopt so many kids and to get away with the fraud and abuse for so long. When you adopt children, aren't there supposed to be case workers who check up on the children from time to time? The good thing is that she's facing charges in Florida that could result in 120 years in prison for her, and I hope she's sentenced to serve all of it with no possibility of parole.




  1. This was just for the fraud.  She has yet to be tried for the abuses she doled out to these individuals.  (Some of them are not even children any more).

    Let's wait and see what she gets when THAT trial goes forward...I hope she rots.

  2. I weep for the children.

  3. In my state, child abusers don't last long in prison. Look at Jeffrey Daumer. I once looked inside the jail and an officer pointed out a child abuser and said he wouldn't last long. Apparently, other prisoners don't like abusers. Prison sentences are always shocking aren't they?

  4. yea. case workers come the children were probably brain washed and were so young that they didnt understand the terms of abuse or right or wrong! so thats why they couldnt tell the case workers.

  5. VERY SICK...  there are sickos all over, though.  Like the girl who tried to flush her newbor down the toilet after giving birth a school dance.

  6. OMG that is insane. i cant believe those kids are so abused they will never recover. i thought that there were social workers who checked in every so often, but maybe that is only for kids who are fostered.

  7. entirely sick!!!! I hope she gets what she deserves in prison.

    No one can truely believe that this was an okay place for a dog let alone a human.


  8. They do routinely visit, prior to the adoption. Once the adoption is finalized, there are no more visits by social workers. I am sure, due to their disabilities, the children may not have been able to complain or discuss their placement with the social workers. This also accounts for their supposed 'missing their mother and still loving her'. So very sad.

  9. Dear Webhead,

    This case, along with a few other similar cases (Lynn Paddock, Shirley Allen, etc.) have been of great albeit nauseating interest to me and I have been following them pretty closely as well. I too, was surprised that the sentence handed down in this case was as "light" as it is. IMO, this MONSTER deserves to spend the rest of her life behind bars. I wonder if NY just wanted to give FL a chance at handing down a little justice of it's own. This case is a HORRIBLE embarrassment for BOTH systems.

    My heart goes out to the victims of these vulgar crimes and I hope that time will offer at least some small amount comfort and healing. These poor kids have been vicitimized so many times in their young lives, it is high time they recieve some real love and attention.

    I am also a disappointed that there has been little accountability and no real penalties placed upon the agencies and their personell who are also responsible for this mess. THEY are the ones who left these children, nay, HANDED HANDED THEM OVER WILLINGLY to the mercy of a cruel and greedy beast. They should have to publicly answer for their actions.

    IMO, this NEEDS to happen in order to send a loud and clear message to people who are responsible for innocent little lives; that we ARE WATCHING - that we demand care and dilligence from those we entust with the welfare of our children - ESPECIALLY from those who represent our Government.

    These children were defenseless, helpless and voiceless and they were betrayed by EVERYONE who was responsible for their care. It is our DUTY as human beings to do everything in our power to SPEAK UP and SPEAK OUT so that tragedies such as this NEVER happen again.

  10. Sick and sad.

    I like that the judge is pro "adoption/foster care" reformation, its a start.

    I like that he made it loud and clear:

    "Adoption is a privilege, not a right."

    Its such as sad world for children.

  11. ....that's sick, yes she need more then 11 years!!!

  12. Horrible. That's all I can say.

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