
Adoptive mothers only. Do you love being a mom?

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and dont you like havin a question ALL to yourself




  1. Absolutely!  I love being a mother.  My experience has been tremendously fulflling and unique.

  2. I can answer for my adoptive mom.  Yep.. As a regular mother, yep I love being a mom there too.

  3. My adoptive mom loved being a mom.  She was pretty darn good at it, too.

    And as a non-adoptive mom, I can say there's nothing quite like growing life in my uterus, feeling it grow, and pushing it forth into the world and seeing what I created...then watching my own children grow up and seeing myself and my husband in their faces, in their personalities, in their interests and actions.

    Yes, there's nothing like being a mom.  Too bad you can never experience it, Ziggy/graphite.

  4. I LOVE being my daughter's mother.

  5. yes, that's why I have five.

  6. Yes, I love being a mom. Something I love even more than being a mom though is getting to see my husband be a dad and my parents be grandparents. That's the best part. It's so rewarding and wonderful to see the love of your life (my son) bring so much joy to other people!

  7. I can't stand it anymore, ok, I'm not an Amom (thus, breaking some unspoken rule).  But  I've got  to get in on this as it is the most positive question posted in days. I have three girls and I LOVE being a mom.  

    If loving your kids is a criteria for "thumbs down"  bring em on.

    I don't even care if the purpose of this question was merely to bait or annoy which is VERY likely, I still like it.

  8. Do I love being a mom?    Yes a thousand times yes!!!

    I like to say that my daughter completes us.....but that would not be true....she merely brought out that which was already inside us.

    Loving being a mom in it's purest form is simply one word

    SACRIFICE. Nothing else in the world is more important than this little soul whom you have been entrusted to care for.

    I love her smile.....her belly laugh....the way she just showers affection on everyone....the compassion she has for disabled children....the way she runs down the stairs when daddy comes home from work.....I love how she asks WHY?

    Yes I love being a mother!

  9. It is such an amazing honor to raise these five little souls.  My whole life has lead up to the moment of motherhood.  It is the most loving and joyful blessing in the world to be called Mom.

    I like you.  Stick around and listen carefully.  Some stuff is hard to hear at first, but slowly you start to understand.  There are extremes on all sides, but they make me laugh.  Its alot to soak in all at once, you kinda have to step outside the box.  Good luck to you.

  10. No you cant dictate who answers your questions LMAO

    Check out the beginning it says OPEN QUESTION

    That means for ANYONE *doh*

    My Adoptive Mother LOVED Being my Mother to answer your question..she is deceased so can not answer it ...and i miss her every single day ..

    You see there are good adoptive parents out there..but denigrate the people who have had bad ones because there are some shockers out there

  11. Yes it is the best!! We have one adopted child and we have two of our own. Plus we are adding one more this summer!! We will be a family of six, so Let me restate,Yes I love being a mommy or we would of stopped at one!!

  12. I absolutely love it!  It's the best thing that has happened in my life!  I cherish my daughter with all my heart!

  13. I am in the process of adoption and I do love being a Mom. But this is a public forum and we can answer any question we want. Just because a person isn't an adoptee or birth mom that doesn't mean we don't personally know of someone who is and has dealt with different issues in their lives.  why not ask a serious question rather than a bating one?

  14. well of course!  there is nothing better than watching my daughter grow and learn new things everyday. how beautiful she is every day, and such a amazing little girl.  and of course all the worries and stress that comes with it.  i wouldn't trade it for anything!

    and yes I'll take the bait.  I'll take any opportunity to tell anyone that a wonderful child is blessing my home and life!

    bring on the down thumb.  i'd love for you to reveal yourself so i can tell you where to stick that thumb..........there's no down thumb for being one of the 4 parents to the awesome child in my home.

  15. I know you don't want to hear this AT ALL because it doesn't match your agenda.  But it's the truth. The answer for my adoptive mom is NO! She did not want to be an adoptive mom. She had 3 children (biological kids) when I entered the home as a foster child.

    My a. father (who had married her a little more than a year before & had accepted her children as his own) & siblings wanted me to be a part of the family. She reluctantly agreed. She admitted this to me many, many years ago.  

    I paid a high price growing up for her agreeing to do what she really did not want to do.  She "unadopted" me 2 days after my father died - almost 11 years ago.  

    I am giving you the answer she gave me.  So really, this is an adoptive mom's answer by proxy.

    ETA: Just so you know...I give a big thumbs up to ALL the moms who love being moms.  Wish I'd had a mom like some of you. Esp. Mom5grlz.

    ETA: AJ is correct. There are good moms & bad moms. One bad mom doesn't mean ALL moms are bad. One bad adopted mom doesn't mean all adopted moms are bad. There are many good examples of this in this forum.

  16. Being a mom is wonderful- I have a 19 year old adopted son, and my adopted daughter will be 16 next week. I have a question that I would really like answered and I may even ask it as a question- why in the world would someone give people thumbs down for saying they love being a mom? Unbelieveable

  17. Mommy of 3, do you realize you just said,"we have one adopted and 2 of our own."

  18. So here's the deal, some person is thumbs-downing adoptive mom's for saying that they love being a mom?

    Well, I am here to say, thumbs downs or not, yes I do and I am not afraid to stand up and say it . . . YES!  I love being a mom.  Period.  Every day.

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