I have heard many adoptive parents say two things:
1) A parent feels the same about an adopted or biological child
2) Giving a child to an infertile couple is a responsible and loving act
If it doesn’t matter who raises a child and if giving a child to an infertile couple is a loving act, then it seems selfish for a parent to keep a child when others need and can’t have one. Knowing what you know now, would you have preferred that your parents gave you to someone else? Think about it. That act would have made two people very happy and your original parents would have been no worse off, because they could still have another child.
I am NOT trying to prove a point. I want to understand how you feel about the idea of living as an adopted child, knowing that your parents gave you away because they believed and lived the values of #1 and #2.
Adoptees, please do not respond. This question is for adoptive parents. Adoptees who adopted please wait until others think it over.