
Adoptive parents, if you were in the shoes of the biological parent(s)...?

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would you go thru w/ putting your child up for adoption?

why/ why not?

(Exclude any drug use & abuse scenarios)




  1. In our exact situation, yes...

    Especialy knowing what I know now. It's been hard enough for 2 of us to care for our little guy, with all his PT, doc appointments, hospital stays, extensive home are and all that, I couldn't even imagine  doing that alone, while in college with another child.

  2. I don't think I would have been able to give up a child, I don't know many who could.  Most children adopted in Canada are done so by parent's rights being taken away, usually not voluntary.  I don't know what it woudl take for me to make a decision to give my child up if ever pregnant, I don't think I would do it.  Keeping in mind for 10 years I wanted a child and adopted through foster care, which was how I was meant to form my family.

  3. In the same shoes as the biological parents to both of my kids yes I would give up my rights. I think I would have a very hard time with it, but I would want better for my kids then what I could provide at the time, and I hope it would inspire me to change the way I was living.

  4. If I could get pregnant, and I had to make that decision- I pray that I would make the right one- and if my child would be better off with someone else, I would place him/her for adoption- because I would love my child that much.  It would be very difficult, I know that- because I met the birth moms and my 2 adopted children- and it was a HUGE sacrifice for them- but I would rather sacrifice being a mother at the time, and save the life of my child, then sacrifice my child on the altar of abortion. I am so thankful my birth mom and the 2 birth moms of my children did.  If I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt it would be the best for my child, YES-

  5. my children's birth mother has lifelong challenges that make it difficult for her to take care of herself, let alone children.  yes, I'd give them up to give them a chance at a better life.

  6. In the case of my children, yes.   Considering the circumstances and the situation, the alternative was incomprehensible.

  7. If I had the same struggles as my daughter's first mom did, I would hope that I would be able to realize that parenting is a bigger bite than I could chew and I would provide a better life for her.  However, I am pretty strong willed, so I may decide to forge ahead.  Not being in the situation, I can't say for sure.

  8. yes if I was in my  son birth mother shoes be she had 2 small children no job and father was loser and could not raise there children like that. and give to parents that would love and care for that children give them every thing that she can't. YES.

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