
Adoptive parents, what are the top three adjectives that describe yourself?

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I guess I should answer thsi myself:

Proud Mom, Loving/Caring, Dedicated




  1. Hmmm....




  2. I assume that you mean in terms of parenting, so I would say the following:

    Blessed (to be a parent)

    Passionate (about my son's needs)

    Terrified (aren't all parents?)

  3. angelic, patient,  crazy no one i no whould put up with my sons issues... he has been in counciling since i got him  & now he is 10  ..long story

  4. Loving, passionate, grateful


    I'm glad you are taking a break.  I still need to take them at times.  Try not to take things personal.  Let me ask this question..  Why would adult adoptees come to this site?  They are talked down to, insulted, and told how to feel about adoption when adoption IS their life.  The only good reasons i can figure out is to help struggling adoptees & first mothers who come here for help and maybe to educate paps and aps so that future adoptees have less to deal with than they did.

    If Gershom is calling you out on something try thinking of it as a learning experience.  We have ALL had our oh, c**p moments.  You know when you haven't explained yourself well, or your choice of words was wrong or you are just plain wrong.  Then people call us on it.  Don't feel attacked look at it as educational.

    Can't believe i'm saying this, i'm turning red just thinking about it, go to my profile and look at my earliest answers.  Ugh. I can't even look at them myself.  Point being i've grown and evolved a lot and so will you if you can see things from a different point of view.  

    You are not going to agree with everyones point of view.  A few people here are totally against all adoptions.  Obviously as an adoptive parent i don't support that point of view but i can still learn from them.  ((((hugs)))) and best wishes.

  5. Poorer



    Now, how are those words any different than the ones I would have if my child were my own?

  6. well, I'm going to get all presumptuous and answer this as a PAP,  not an AP

    greedy, entitled, baby-stealing, birth-mother disrespecting

    oops.. I thought you meant the top three adjectives people on HERE use to describe me.. did you mean something else??

    sorry.. snarky mood today.. hey.. I'm being truthful here.. these are the top things that people here use to describe me.. and the only "Barbs" I've "hurled" is to say that some questions appear TO ME to be thinly disguised attempts to bash PAPs and APs...

  7. I could not agree more with Shelly

    Adjectives to describe me:




  8. I am a Wife--Mother and Writer.

    As a Mother I am:

    My Children's First Teacher

    My Children's Primary Example

    My Children's Advocate

    ---as a mother the only Time Adoption is an Important issue (For Me) is in dealing with My children's Special Needs caused by those things I have no control over.... When I need to tell someone my Child is Profoundly Brain Damaged due to Prenatal Alcohol Exposuer and Drug abuse--along with the Emotional Issues of sexual abuse, homelessness and neglect I do feel some need to Defend the Fact that I was Not the Mother who caused this...otherwise Adoptive Mother isn't an adjective I need to use...

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