
Adoptive parents, what is the most valuable?

by Guest59727  |  earlier

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thing you have learned from adult adoptees?




  1. I have learned to own and accept that I will be a source of my child's justified anger, pain, and fear, along with the other people who are involved in the adoption.  I've learned that I am not a replacement for a biological family.  I've also learned that I can handle these things, and take care of my own feelings, so that I can support my child in taking care of his/her feelings.  And I've learned that this is what I WANT to do.

  2. That every experience is different, and that I shouldn't use online forums loaded with people pushing their own agendas for advice.

  3. That closed adoption sucks for many adoptees and confirms that my daughter's open adoption was the best choice for her.

  4. From my mother:  It's okay to love two moms and two dads.

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