
Adotion fees???

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know how much the adoption fees are in the united states i live in nevada if that help me and my husband have a 2 1/2 month old and we thinking about adopting a child within the next year there are so many kids that need homes




  1. The fees also depend upon the method of adoption.  By that I mean if you conduct a private adoption it normally costs around one amount (each circumstance is different) and if you conduct an adoption through Foster Care the costs are normally very little (under $1000) or nothing at all.  My first, an 8 month old through an international adoption, cost $800 US but we were living in the country we adopted from at the time.  Our second, 4 days old when we first brought her home, has been free because we went through Foster Care.

    It doesn`t so much depend where you are as much as what you are doing and the circumstances involved.  Call a number of local agencies and ask them directly.

  2. Adoption through foster care is free in most states, and low cost in others.  Call your local DHS.

  3. Varies a lot between $5,000-$40,000. Depends on agency, birth mother, attorney, whether domestic or international, whether you first foster then adopt etc.

  4. from public foster care you usually only have cost of your physcial

    private or agency adoptions do run $2000- $40,000 depending on agency

    if you are of a particular faith, Catholic, Jewish, and some Christian organizations.... it is usually a lower cost..

  5. The fees are set by the attorneys and the agencies.  It generally depends upon how much time is spent processing the paperwork.

  6. i have a 1 month old and i'm kicking down the door of my OB for an IUD!!! and you want another babe??? wow... :-)

    seriously, if you are interested in "helping needy kids" i would look at foster-adopt.  these kids NEED homes. and the fees are nominal.

  7. You have a 2 month old baby and you're even THINKING about taking on another child?

    C'mon!  This has got to be a joke.

  8. I love vague questions like this!

    What type of adoption are you interested in? There are too many different types, I can't even begin to answer this question without more details.
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