For the past several months I have been feeling so horrible. I have done everything I know of to make myself feel healthy. Protein, complex carbs, exercise...had my thyroid tested, blood work done...I AM hypoglycemic. I am also pregnant in my 2nd trimester. I have just been told...after nothing really helping that the way I have been feeling is because my adrenal gland is fatigued and not working right. Probably due to the fact I have been pregnant 6 times in 6 years(4 children, 1 stillbirth, 1 miscarraige) I have also had difficulties with my mother. Anywho. ...after looking this up on the internet I am confident that I will soon begin to feel better (on 3000 Vit c a day and will start an adrenal recovery type thing next week) But I was wondering if anyone else has had this???
And I am posting this similiar Q again a different category to try for more info.....So sorry contacts for repeating myself.