
Adrenaline control??

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I read a book called "The many minds of billy Milligan" and basically the guy had a personality that could control his adrenaline flow and increase his strength. I was wondering if anyone can tell me how this would be possible and how to actually apply it! I'm doing a report on it and well any information on how this can happen would be gratefully appreciated! Thanks!




  1. There are no guarantees that you can control an adrenaline dump, sometimes it will simply get the best of you. However, if you learn to control your breathing and match your breathing to your motion you will have the best chance to control the adrenaline dump. By this I mean the intensity of your breathing should automatically match the intensity of your work. If you are working hard your breathing should automatically be intense from the first second the work becomes hard. Often our breathing lags behind and we end up in an oxygen difficeny state which makes everything more difficult. Example: You start to run but don't change your breathing until your oxygen level has dropped dramatically in the blood. Now you start to breathe harder and deeper but your cells are already starved and behind the power curve. Therefore learning to match your breathing with your motion is a big help, that way you automatically adjust your breathing to match the work at the beginning.

    The best way to practices this is to do it 24/7 in everything you do. When you get up from a chair make sure your breathing, don't hold your breath. When you are walking match your inhales and exhales with your step. One step, inhale, one step exhale, etc. Or two steps inhale, two steps exhale. Vary it and learn. Learn to coordinate your breathing with every motion you make.

    Also remember when doing heavy work or during an intense situation inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Keep the body as relaxed as possible. It can help to visualize breathing through the body, i.e. inhale from the feet to the head, exhale from the head to the feet. This helps to keep the body relaxed.

    There is much more but that will get you started.

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