
Adult ADD, what are the symptoms? Do I have it? Please read.?

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What are some symptoms for ADD? I'm in my early 30's and think I have it.

I find it hard to prioritize things at work, I'll work on 1 project and get side tracked about something else I should be doing. It's been happening more and more lately and this isn't a hard job, I know I can do it, but the details are overwhelming. I've found myself making more and more "to do" list so that I don't forget.

When people are talking I find it hard to let them finish so that I can put my 2 cents in.

Sometimes it's hard to watch tv or a movie because I'm paying attention, but not absorbing it.

If I have ADD, will I have to take meds for life?




  1. ADD is a life long illness.  If you didn't have this problem since you were a child, you probably don't have ADD.  "Adult ADD" is receiving the diagnosis in adulthood instead of having received earlier in life.  It doesn't mean that it started as an adult.  If you didn't have these issues when you were younger but are less focused now, consider the amount of activities you have going on in your day, the things on your mind, the background worries in your head, how much sleep you are getting, and so forth.  Those often result in diminished ability to focus on the immediate.  Then, reprioritize and give yourself more relaxation time, exercise, meditation, whatever calms and centers you so that you can let some of the stress go.  Then again, if you've *always* had this problem and it's now interfering with your life, see your doc and ask where you can be tested.  The meds are speed, so you may want to seriously think about whether you want to take them.

  2. I would go to a docter they usually gather info on your grades in school can u sit still if you cant start and finish tasks or are hyperactive interrupting people is a big sign i am sure you have adhd.

  3. if you are concerned that you may have ADD, visit your doctor and talk to them about it. they will give you their opinion and ways of being tested to see if this is the correct diagnosis.

    if a confirmed diagnosis of ADD is given, then you will discuss treatment plans with people who are qualified to make informed decisions about your health care, with your input.

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