
Adult Adoption without an attorney?

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We have been investigating having 30 year old being adopted by her step father. She is doing this as a gesture to show how much she loves her step dad. I have not found how this can be accomplished without an attorney. I have found some documents on our states website that shows the fee to submit the petition is $225, but no information on how or where to submit it. We are in Missouri.




  1. I am in the same place. I am wanting to have my step dad adopt me before my wedding. No idea how to go about this one.

    I'm in Ontario Canada.

  2. Hello,

    Your county clerk's office should have an example of how to file for custody of a child, and with very simplified re-wording, the words will work.  I live in Arkansas and we did something similar.  An adult adoption isn't as sticky as a minor's, and since there won't be a name change, it should be relatively simple.  It also might be the circuit clerk's office.  Anyone in your courthouse should be able to help.  Also, ask on a group called freecycle for software that has legal document forms (or get it off e-bay, which often has state related forms).  And remember, courts won't consider hearing anything unless it is typed a certain way, with specific margins, typestyle, font, size, and on legal paper.  Good luck!

  3. Walk yourself to the courthouse and talk to the Clerk's office.  In most states with no restrictions on adult adoption, no attorney should be necessary if you have the forms.  You just need to file them to get your hearing.

  4. Although the "behind the scenes" legal mumbo jumbo is similar to that of child adoption, adult adoption is much simpler.  

    In Missouri, the procedures are quite similar to that of child adoption, with some reasonable differences.

    There is no home study.

    Of course, no termination of parental rights or relinquishment by the currents parents need occur.  The prospective adoptee's current parents do not have to agree or sign anything.  The prospective adoptee must sign in agreement to the adoption.

    According to the Scott Law Firm of Columbia Missouri,

    "When a person to be adopted is 18 years old or older, his or her consent is sufficient, and no consent is required from his or her natural parents."

    Here's the whole code:

    I live in California.  It's very simple to complete an adult adoption here.  There is a petition to the court to be filled out and filed, signed by the prospective adopters and adoptee.  There is, of course, the court fee.  If any party to the adoption is married, a notarized statement from the spouse agreeing to the adoption is required.  That's it.

    Really, you just need to contact your local court and they can give you all of the information and forms that you need.

  5. try looking around IL docs, i think we have something like what ur lookn for

    good luck

  6. I would contact an attorney for advice in your state

  7. if she ever wants her original birth certificate again, she better get a copy now.  after this, it will be illegal for her to get one as an adoptee.

    sticks, eh??  tell me about it.

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