
Adult Dyslexia?

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I am 32, never officially been diagnosed with any learning disability, and generally do not have any learning issues.

I do, however, have some problems in several areas. When writing longhand I often have a hard time confusing b's and d's. I often have to think which way a b and a d go.

And when copying sequences of numbers such as 8437 from either a written list or from someone speaking them, I often transpose the middle numbers and would write them as 8347.

Can this be a form of dyslexia?




  1. Dyslexia is the medical diagnosis for a "learning disability in the area of reading", although it  can show its self in many different ways. Dyscalcula is math and dysgraphia is writing. You definitely could have a learning disability in one or more of the learning areas, but if it doesn't interfere with your daily living, you have learned to compensate (which is the goal). If it does interfere or is continually frustrating you, it might be worth it to touch base with a psychologist who could help you with tricks that will help you feel successful. Good Luck!

  2. I am sure that it could be but with out a professional diagnosis you can't say for sure. The beauty is as an adult you have learned coping strategies to deal with your defecates.


  3. It is certainly a visual motor integration problem.  It may be dyslexia.  I have similar problems, but ironically didn't know until I was in graduate school learning to be a remedial reading teacher.
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