
Adult Golf lesson Joke, what do you guys think?

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A man went for a golf lesson. The pro watched his swing and said, "No, no, no, you're gripping the club way too hard."

"Well, what should I do?", asked the man.

"Hold the club gently," the pro replied, "just like you'd hold your wife's breast."

Taking the advice, he took a swing, and POW!, he hit the ball 250 yards straight up the fairway. The ecstatic man went back home telling his wife the good news about his lesson, and, the wife

couldn't wait for her lesson.

The next day, the wife went for her lesson. The pro watched her swing and said, "No, no, no, you're gripping the club way too hard."

"What can I do?" asked the wife.

"Hold the club gently, just like you'd hold your husband's p***s."

The wife listened carefully to the pro's advice, took a swing, and, THUMP!-- the ball skipped down the fairway about 15 feet.

"You know, that was a lot better than I expected," the pro said. "Now, take the club out of your mouth, and, hold it in your hands."

I saw it on the internet somewhere, i thought it was funny! What do yu guys think?




  1. Nice & funny too.

    After her game of golf a lady player offered her caddy a ride into town. The caddy thankfully accepted, and when they arrived at her house he carried her clubs inside.

    The lady invited him to stay for lunch and served him a wonderful meal.

    She then invited him into the bedroom. He was puzzled, but went along out of curiosity. She asked if he wanted to go to bed with her, so he did that too. Later he realized it was time to get back to the course and prepared to leave. The housewife insisted on giving him a dollar before he could go.

    Well it was too much for the poor man, and he asked her, "Lady, what is going on? First you feed me a delicious meal, and as if that isn't enough, you invite me to make love to you and we have a terrific time together. Now you want to pay me?! What is this, anyway?"

    She explained proudly, "Well, you know Christmas is coming, and I told my husband I wanted to do something nice for my caddy who is so faithful and helped me so much this year. My husband said, 's***w the caddy! Give him a dollar!'... the lunch was my idea!


    kind of an inappropriate yet funny joke XD

  3. OMGZ......UM WOW?


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