
Adult adoption? Does the biological mother have a say?

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I am over the age of 18, and I would like to be adopted by my Aunt, who was more of a mother to me than my own will ever be.

Does my biological mother have a say in the proceedings, considering my age?




  1. Dont think they do adoption for over the age of 18

  2. I think the age of majority might make a difference in which state you reside, but if you meet that age than no, she would not have a say.

  3. Nope, you're an adult and can consent to being adopted by anyone.

  4. Here are the state laws on adult adoption:

    In most states, if you are over the age of 18, your birthfamily cannot do anything to stop you from making your decision as an adult.  Don't forget though - adoption seals your original birth records and your certificate of adoption is used to create a new birth certificate with your new adoptive parents on is as if they were your biological parents.  So, you need to be completely sure you want to follow through.

  5. No she doesn't have any say.  As an adult you are allowed to make your own decision.

  6. Some states restrict adult adoption to 21.  Otherwise, no your biological mother has no say.

    Be aware, however, that you will also lose certain rights including right to inherit or make medical decisions for your mother, father or siblings.  You will be 'legally' a stranger to them.

  7. No. Since you're over 18, your biological mother has no say.

  8. NO! Because you are an adult, you can be adopted without being relinquished by your former parents. However, each state has different rules about adult adoption, so you need to discuss your intentions with a local lawyer.

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