
Adult children do your parents

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drive you insain? I swear the older they get they are fetting nutty or something.. My father is not 'there' a lot and my mom is so negitive and a she knows everything. Anyway do your parents drive you insain ans are you worried about there aging as a sign of your future as a care provider?




  1. There just comes a point in life that no matter how much you love your parents, you have to serperate yourself from them.

    My dad was not "there for me" ether growing up, but my mom was and STILL IS Ms. Know-It-All.

    I had to move out.  I had to leave and ever since I started living on my own and taking care of myself, my relationship with my mom got a billion times better.

    But moms will always know everything and always try to tell you how to do things, but thats just moms, they love you.

    I think its better for you, if you can afford to, get out on your own and develope on becoming more of a person not living at home.  

    Best of Luck

  2. Nicole,

    Not too happy to see your question, I'm 61yrs and have MS and 4 adult children, gave them everything , did everything and loved them and never was negative and told them they could do anything and loved them to life.

    have one daughter near me and watch her three children and she takes me to the store less and less times.  I tried to never give advise , only just listen if she wants to talk to me. Tell her how beautiful she looks in all she wears ,lend her money and give it to her too.  I have made doll houses for my precious granddaughters and bought expensive furniture for it , my grandchildren are so excited to see me because I act like a kid with them and we play.

    I thank them for everything and anything without going overboard.............  so why do they not call and check up on me and tell me they at least love me here and there?

    Why is everything so uneven, I have given and not received . I hated telling them about my disease and waited two years and now things have changed.  I even went 5 days without food in my home because no one came or checked up on me and no returned calls.

    I still have to be greatful for having them and maybe getting used to me having this will go back to normal..............  please know, I have never asked to live with anyone ,nor do I intend to.... their lives are theirs and I know that.........

    I have said all this because you don't know what we are thinking or going through without understanding our pain.  .............

  3. My Mom can sometimes drive me nuts with thinking she knows it all, but Ive learned to stop being so irriatated with them and enjoy the time I have with them. I love spendidng time with my Dad though, drinking coffee, talking, hes a very wise man. Try to concentrate on the positive, and you'll enjoy your time more with them.

  4. By the way you worded your question, I suspect that you are still very young.  As you get older, you actually learn to respect and understand your parents.  Especially when you have children and you begin to realize that everything they did they did because they only wanted the best for you.  Parents would step in front of a train for their children.  Sometimes they can get on your nerves but just remember as a teenager you got on theirs.  Just settle down and learn to appreciate even the quirks that your parents have.  Someday you wont be able to enjoy them anymore.  Trust me that is the saddest day of your life.

  5. your parents don't have enough to do to keep them busy.  encourage them to attend activites at a local senior center or at their church, help them find a book club or monthly day trips  

  6. The word is insane, not insain.  

    I wonder how "adult" you are.  My Dad has Alzheimer's so I take offense to you complaining about your Dad being not 'there'... you have no idea what that is really like... it sucks!  

  7. yes I know what you mean.I am 36 can someone please tell my mom I am grown with 3 kids.I appreciate her advice ,if I asked for it,but I don't .She's always in my business and it drives me crazy.

  8. My parents get on my nerves, but I consider it normal...for now.  What really ticks me off is my Grandma.  Her husband is dying yet she refuses to listen to the doctors.  My mom (their daughter) is trying so hard to convince that the doctors are helpful.  Long story short, my grandmother believes that everyone is out to get her, and she is killing my grandfather by her pride and arrogance.

  9. parents as they get older don't change their ways of thinking anymore..yes it can be a parents worry about me all the time..

  10. My mom died less than a month ago. Yes, she drove me insane at times. I wish she was still here to drive me insane and if she were, I wouldn't give a second thought about taking care of her when she got older.  

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