
Adult conacting minor on Myspace?

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I'm going crazy searching for info on the Internet and I've been unable to come up with anything solid. Does anyone know if there are laws prohibiting an adult from repeatedly attempting to elicit contact with a minor when the minor has not initiated or accepted these attempts? The contact has not been of a sexual nature but this individual is associated with the child's father who is a registered s*x offender who has not had contact with his child in 8 yrs. It's Sunday and I can't reach an attorney and am unsure about notifying the authorities at this point if this person has not actually committed a crime, although I am extremely angry and scared.




  1. yeah turn you comp. off.

    ahahah, then go find an attorney or something.

  2. I would notify the authorities and let them decide if they can do anything.  In my non-legal (I am not a lawyer) opinion, ANY contact between an adult and a minor over the Web should be known to the child's parents or guardians.

    Good luck.

  3. how about turning off the computer until you talk to a lawyer?

  4. The first thing that came to mind was harassment. Adult to minor is pretty serious, especially if the adult knows that the minor is a minor.

    I'd call the police station and ask the desk sgt.  

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