I read an article in last month's Skating magazine that emphasized what an asset to clubs adult skaters are. Adult skaters can volunteer their time, serve on boards and help out with events more than the kids in the club. It saddened me because the clubs here treat adults almost like they have no business skating. My club is quick to cut adult events at competitions, does not offer any programs that adults can participate in and while helping at club sanctioned events, one adult skater heard judges go on about how much they dislike watching adult skaters. Even though I skated growing up and continue to skate, teach, test and compete, I don't feel like I fit in. I hate freestyle sessions because of how some younger skaters act -- even though I've been skating longer than they've been alive! I'm not sure if I'm just being too self-conscious, if it's just my area/club or what. Anybody else run into similar situations? Anyone try anything to improve your situation?