
Adult question - is this wrong ?

by  |  earlier

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so im moving and before i go i want to give one of my friends a little gift that involves his " " below the belt and from the time i have known him he has always wanted to get one is this so wrong




  1. wtf is "  " supposed to mean?

  2. No, it's not wrong if you want to do it.

  3. oh no, i think it's kinda sweet bc you're getting him sth he wants and in a way it's a very funny "leaving" present~~ he'll remember u for the rest of his life. and u guys will ALWAYS have sth to talk about when u reunite :>

  4. JUST DO IT!

  5. Um,....YES.  What kind of gift is that?  Thats something lovers or spouses do.  I think you have a very odd way of wanting to show your love and gratitude for "friends".  Get some help.  Im not kidding.  

  6. Well, it seems a little odd. And since your friends, you may start dating after this. But sure, go ahead, if you feel like it.

    Hope it helps!

  7. no its not wrong

  8. if you want to, do it. you shouldnt have to ask ppl on here about it.  

  9. Um, trashy much?

    Face the facts, s*x is for people who are actually in love.


    You'll regret it trust me.

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