
Adult swimming lessons...?

by  |  earlier

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Hello fellow Yahoo users! ok my husband, who is wonderful, can't swim... he almost died in a lake when he was a kid and has been scared of the water ever since... he is trying to get a federal job, working with the Border Patrol and some areas he couldn't be at because he needs to be able to swim... well in short... i was wondering if anyone had any ideas about where to get adult swimming lessons...

i tried to teach him once, he was fine in the water but when it would get to letting himself just relax he couldn't and he would just sink like a rock because he has no body fat...

does anyone have any ideas on how to help with this situation, i know people are going to tease but it is a serious question, we are located in the Youngstown Ohio area if that helps at all, i cant find anything...

thanks for your help!




  1. your local YMCA


  3. Confidence is the thing. It will just take time. He will get there.

  4. first off, body fat has little to do with sinking. Most olympic swimmers have about 5% body fat or less.

    I am also from youngstown ohio, (boardman). The YMCA at boardman would probably be able to help him, but they severely overcharge and, from my personal experience working there, they are almost cult-like.

    As far as getting over his fear of swimming, either he has to do that himself, or go to the YMCA, either in the city or at boardman, and take classes to help him get over his fear.

    Once he gets over his fear and gets a little better, I would recommend joining the USA swim team. Practices are at YSU and it's about $400 a year (compared to YMCA at like $900). The coach there, Greg McAtte, really knows his stuff. As of last year there was another guy in his 40's there as well, but the majority is age group 10-20.

    He will become an efficient swimmer MUCH faster if he joins a swim team. I can tell you for fact right now that if he goes through the YMCA he won't be able to swim well for at least several years. Though if he can't swim period, he should go there first to get over his fears until he's ready to join a team. Once you think he can swim a few laps and be in the deep end, enroll him in the USA swimming in Masters. The coach is a great guy and really knows his stuff.

  5. im not from your area but have you tried your YMCA?

    not sure if it helps....

    good luck!

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