
Adults only please: Is there something wrong with the education System in Israel?

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A drunk kid bringing out what is inside him

Whose resposibility is it? Is it the education system or is it socity destroying the whole nation?




  1. They are all a bunch of d**k heads. Religeon is the main problem. Religeon is the biggest divide in humanity

  2. It could be.  Then maybe it just they are sick to death of Arabs keeping everything torn down.  No  progress in any direction for them.

    Maybe it was a lack of parenting, like in your case.  Not enough love at home.

    You seem to think the way to combat lunacy is to run away and I think the Jews have stopped doing that.  They did say never again.

    Do you think your brand of harassment is new.  The Jews suffered the same thing before Hitler started killing them.  Of course that's what you want to see in your lifetime, right?

    Such a sick puppy.

  3. Oh my God!!!!!!!!!!

    Thank you for that video. Finally the world gets to see what Jews are about! This is pure hate, the education system is partialy responsible for this, when you keep telling kids that they're "chosen" and everyone else is less human... SAD!

    "I have to say that Israeli education is superior to American education."

    Yes Kismet, we already know that Jews are "superior" in everything!

  4. The responsibility is his own


    I pass this homeless guy who rambles and occasionly spouts profanity at passers by,Im going to make a tape because the world needs to see I mean obviously this guy represents life in  the US right?.. you lose points for buying into this garbage.

  5. This kid is an idiot, and he is obviously his parents' responsibility.

    As for the education system in Israel; As a product of it, I have to say it is a good system.

    -especially since I have attended an American university and have been teaching in the U.S.....  I have to say that Israeli education is  superior to American education.

  6. It's a result of the LIberal Left Wing Government--Orthodox children have the greatest respect! The Jewish state should teach its entire population according to the Jewish tradition.

  7. the nation should handle this probem but ppl over there got so much sh-t to handle its out of control

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