
Adults over 6 foot tall : How tall were you when you turned 16?

by  |  earlier

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And how tall and old are you now?





  1. over 6 ft and now 6 ft 4 at 38

  2. I think I was 5'11"... I'm now 6'3".

  3. 6'7 at 17 and proud of it.

  4. I finished my first growth spurt at 14, and was 6'2".

    Now I'm 23 and I'm 6'10".

  5. i was 6'1" when i turned 16

  6. Around 6 ft and am now 6'2 at 27. Hope this helps

  7. 6ish

  8. At 16 I was 5'11

    At 19 I am 6'1

  9. I was about 5'6" when I was sixteen and now I'm 6'1" at 28.

  10. 6'5 at 16

  11. at 16 i was 5'8" and thought that was it then bam a burst of testosterone and i grew to 6'2", also gained about 40 pounds. im 23 now and 6'2", but what i wouldnt give to be 5'8". taller isnt always better, ever tried dating a girl thats 5'4" when your 6'2" gotta pick her up to kiss her. wait...on second thought (dirty thoughts).

  12. 5-10 or 11. 6-2 now.

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