
Adults/parents do you love my generation ?

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with all it's gang violence


trying to get pregnant

bad behavior

and bad grammar

do you love us anyway

because i think whats whats wrong with my generation

your generation dont love us

and that we hate ourselves

well at least i do,

do you constructive critiscize

or just criticise

do you judge

or give hugs too

these are answers i want to know




  1. I don't think they hate us.... I think they hate the choices we make. For instance, some people are still using the "pull out" method for s*x, thinking they are not going to get pregnant. But people before used that method, and have two kids running around.

    That's my opinion.

  2. i like it to a certain extent. when i think about you teens, things are totally different from my generation. ya'll talking (if not having) s*x around 12 or 13 yrs (jhs). in my generation we would talk about boys in jhs but s*x wasn't a topic til hs.  

  3. I remember  when i was in elementary school and they would remind our class everyday that our generation was the future of our country and when i look on it today im only 15 and can see the horrible things that are going on to be honest i thing our generation sucks i mean not just teen pregnancies but trying to get pregnant on purpose teens disrespcting their parents for no reason at all fighting and gangs riots going to jail its NASTY in my oppinion but thats just how i feel  

  4. I think that they don't hate US exactly, just the way that we are. They want us to become something we aren't, like them. Their generation was like, find something bad, blow it up with a big, "BOOM!" Our generation is like, find something bad, find a way to fix it. Our generation is a bit mor epeaceful than the last, sure there are still gangs and stuff, but not all people are affiliated with that stuff.

  5. I honestly think there is such a difference in every generation. Chances are when you are in your 20's you'll look at teens in a different way. It's just the way it is. I still think that our older generation loves you though! I remember thinking that no one understood me and felt left out and singled out by adults. I also learned later that this was the case with my mom when she was a teen!

    It's sad that everyone judges others. (I'm trying not to though!)

    The teen pregnancy rate has gone up and it does make you wonder about the parenting now days. That doesn't mean a parent isn't a good parent.

    Bad behavior comes with the territory of being a teen.

    Bad grammar is a horrible reason for someone not loving another.

    Gang violence and bullying is just going to hurt the person doing them when they mature and are alone.

    Remember not all adults just throw their hand up in the air and give up on their loved ones.

    Most important remember that Jesus loves you!

  6. as part of the generation in question i would like to ask you, if you don't like things the way they are then why don't you change them?

  7. They don't hate your generation. They are concerned for the young kids these days, as any adult or parent would be. they know the problems you kids go through today and they want the best for you, even if it seems like they are critisizing. if they didn't love you, they wouldn't bother to criticise your actions, they would just let you s***w up.

  8. Kill the bloody n***s! LOL, Jokes. I don't think our generation is bad, just misunderstood. Our previous generation was worse, it was all wars, and guns, and bombs and freaken hippies! LOL. Don't hate us, just give us a chance to BE us.

  9. all teens feel misunderstood, you'll grow up, you'll realize how loved you were, and grief the time you missed out on, cause you were all sad, being misunderstood.....just hang in there, keep your eye on the prize, concentrate on your education! Once you're 25 you'll look back and , well not laugh..... but perhaps a slight giggle.....

  10. i hate our generation as well.

  11. I'm 20 years old, and I think it's down right sad. Maybe the previous generation effed up, maybe we're just too crowded, maybe it's the crappy economical situation we're in, maybe it's the wars the president is making us play in. Who knows... There was however always that kind of thing going on, just not as widespread as it is today.  

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