
Adults~ would appriciate your help?

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What would you say would be the main reason you wouldn't home school your child?




  1. cause they drive me nuts and haven't even been out of school a month yet ,,,,naw,, thats not the real reason,,, I dont have the patients to teach someone who knows absolutely nothing about anything ,,,something

  2. I am to d**n tired.  I don't think I caould teach my kids as well as a teacher

  3. Wouldn't?  

    The only reason I could think of would be that I wasn't physically able to do it.  Otherwise, I'd find a way to make it work.  Homeschooling is the method that works best for him, and he loves it and thrives with it, so there's no other reason.

    Heck, even if for some reason I wasn't able to do it, one of my friends or my MIL would take over.

    So, there really isn't one.  Sorry...

  4. Not enough money and I have to work.

  5. Apart from the fact that I work, school is more than just learning what's in the books.  This is of course exposure to both good and bad influences, but hopefully the family influence helps clarify all that.  The real world will intrude sooner or later, and I would prefer my kids to be used to it.  Besides, they make life-long friends in school, I would hate to deprive them of that.

  6. Hmmm.... what is it that would cause me to not homeschool?

    My death?  Thats the only reason I can think of right now.

  7. I would want my children to get a decent education and learn valuable social skills, and that's why I wouldn't home school!

  8. If my husband and I both died and her grandma refused to do so.  However, she loves homeschooling, this is not a likely scenario.

    To the other posters so far - one can homeschooll for free using the library and Internet.  

    Our daughter has loads of friends, many more than when she went to school.

    As to kids driving you crazy...that's just sad.  Why have kids if you can't stand to be around them?

  9. It's great to homeschool a child, you have more control over what your child learns, as far as your families values are concerned. Many Christian families prefer to home school their children, because they don't want their kids learning about evolution, acceptability of sexual immorality, etc. I being a Christian, however, am pro-public schools. Children learn valuable social skills in public schools, that many home schoolers lack. Children in public, or even private school will make close friendships, and will be more well rounded over all.

  10. My personal death.

  11. The only reason I wouldn't home school is if someone had me locked up in a loony bin!

    I work from home so work is not an excuse. The stress level is lower so that's no excuse.

    The curriculum is vastly better than the public schools (more of a  reason to home school)

  12. Money.

    Both my wife and I have to work, so there is no time for home schooling.  

    Otherwise one of us would stay home and do that.

  13. I AM going to homeschool my children because I think they would get a better education being taught one on one rather than having to share a teacher with 30 other students.  

    As for those who think school is all about socialization.  School is for kids to learn, not socialize.   Learning should be their first priority at school.  Peer pressure is overwhelming for kids.   I can say that I would of rathered that my parents had homeschooled me.    Having other kids at school did absolutely nothing for me.  In fact, in some instances, it made things worse.

    Kids can do more constructive things to socialize.

  14. Wouldn't?

    If I got really sick or something and couldn't handle it anymore. Or something happened financially that I had to go back to work and couldn't afford to pay for somebody to take care of them during the day.

    If my kids were high school age and wanted to go to school.

    Btw, to some of the people who seem to think that homeschoolers don't live in the real world, the homeschoolers I know definitely live in the real world, get out of the house, have life-long friends...

  15. only if i am working late and have too much stree at work.

  16. I just wanted to say that I notice some people saying that homeschoolers don't know how to socialize...

    When I was in school if someone got caught talking the teacher would always say "You're not here to socialize."

    My kids are only 3 and 6 but they love meeting new people and open up to them right away. They have conversations with complete strangers at the grocery store or any where else we may go. Even though they can be a bit shy at times.(they get that from me) They can communicate so easily.

    Instead of being couped up in school all day coming home doing homework then dinner and bed. (When would they have time to do anything?) They are able to go out into the REAL world and interact with all kinds of people. Not just kids there own age during recess.

    Anyway that is my two cents.

  17. I think that my children are too smart and inquisitive for me to teach.  They need more knowledge than I can provide for them.  One boy is so shy around people that he would end up a sheltered child  formal schooling opens him up to other folks.  The younger boy, he is just such a social animal that he needs to see other children every day.

  18. Working, therefore I can't be there to teach my child at home.

  19. As a current homeschooler, there really isn't a reason for me to send my kids back to school. We've already given up  every excuse to homeschool.

    Even our death benefits are set up so that if my husband or I died, that we would get enough money each month to pay bills so that the surviving parent would be able to stay at home to school. If both of us die, then my parents would receive the money, to homeschool them.

  20. I would not homeschool if I had to go to work full time.                No! Wait, I used to go to work full time and sent my 3 kids to public school.  They graduated emotionally scarred and barely literate.  My oldest at the age of 32 finally realized that he wasn't stupid and took himself back to college for upgrading.  He is amazed that he loves to learn when all the political BS is removed from the curriculum and class.  He gets the highest marks in his class.  It really shocked him.   Thank you public school for convincing my kid   he could not learn....So why would I send my kids to school?  They really loused up three of them already.   I was a single mom and too tired to teach them at home after they went to school all day.

    But I am really getting old and tired.  I think I may consider it if they wanted to go and worked hard, If they stopped working at home, if there was a decent school to send them to.  And if I had to work full time.  Some kids actually do well in public school.

  21. Yeah, I think my death would be the only thing to stop me. Or perhaps my hubby's death. I don't know how we'd be financially and there isn't anyone around to take care of the kids for nothing while I worked.

    The biggest factor against people homeschooling is a lack of desire to. If you really want to bad enough, you'll find ways to work through the issues. Money is another. Everyone can reduce their expenditure, but perhaps not everyone can or is willing to reduce it enough. It all depends on priorities; mine won't be the same as yours. Some people find yearly holidays essential to their wellbeing. Some sacrifice those for something else, like homeschooling. No one can have everything!

  22. Would NOT?  This is the homeschooling forum, so most parents here are either HS'ing now, or thinking about it.

    I've HS'ed my son for 5.5 yrs.  The only way he *wouldn't* be HS'ed any longer is if something drastic happened (medically, physically, etc.) to my husband or me where neither of us could teach (we've been on one income for 11 years).  However, our son is already self-teaching most courses, and is only 10 but already in two self-directed high school courses, and one online college course.  So as long as we were around as mentors - he could do it all on his own - or take teacher-led online courses for everything.

    Our daughter is in public school and always has been (since age 3 in EI).  She will most likely stay in PS as she has a variety of special needs that are hard to deal with at home without  a source of funding (she receives no charity or gov't aid).  Special needs equipment and curriculum for adaptation to her needs is just unbearable for individual families to purchase.  She's on an IEP at PS and we're extremely involved in the process, plus she's "afterschooled".

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