
Advanced Astro: Signifcations of fame in one's natal chart?? Will I ever become a Singer?

by  |  earlier

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Hello to all Astrologers~

I have a question :)

well, My dream has always been to become

an Artist/famous Singer and dancer.

Since very young i've always had passion for the Arts

and music.

And Always loved to stand out in this.

Yes I do have much Leo right :)

By just looking at my Chart is there any chance

of being Known Singer?

Is there any Indication for this??

(considering Houses & and things like that :))

Thanks so Much!!

Here's my Chart:*x=f&d1day=5&d1month=9&d1year=1991&d1hour=8&d1min=45&citylist=Miami+Beach%2C+FL+%2812%29%2C+United+States&lang=en




  1. leo is often a very lucky sign, and u have it in jupiter. that's a good sign.

    sagittarius in the midheaven determines ALOT of career success just so you know. pay attention to where sagittarius sits in your chart. that could help alot.

  2. OH MY G-D.

    I always wanted to be a famous singer,too! :D

    I love you now <3

    I know you are a Virgo,but you must have a lot of Leo in your chart :D

    Your midheaven sign and Chiron decide this..

    Well I see you have your Chiron in Leo,so that's good,but Midheaven in Cancer,and that's not always so good,for you.

    Really?I have Sag in midheaven and in Pluto! <3 *happy*

  3. I question the sources as you dont look to chiron for fame and nor do I put much faith in a chunk of rock where the planets could explain the same thing.

    The mid-heaven and tenth house show how we want to be noticed in the world at large and how we want to be recognized, for our achievements and social standing. The career, profession  or trade . Its how people see us in the public. The mid-heaven does not necessarily show our talents persay but it is a good indicator of WHAT we want to do in life which is seperate from talents.My mid-heaven is sagittarius   With-mid heaven saggitarius and Saturn in the tenth house I am very ambitious and want to recognised for my contributation to society. With Sag being the mid-heaven I want to have freedom in my career and public life (I am aiming to be self employed) and I want to be recognised for my ideals and outlooks.

    The ruler of the mid-heaven is jupiter is in the 3rd house of communications and I have always wanted to be a writer. A news reporter unfortunatly I suck. This is where the talent comes in. By using dignities my mercury is the stongest planet in my chart and it is in the 7th house aspecting saturn in the tenth. One of mercurys signification is astrology and it is an astrologer that I want to be. (Later after I become an RN. mercury is in virgo).

  4. GOOD LUCK!!!!! =)

    I highly suggest you get a Vedic reading by a pro. Here are the important factors.

    First if you have Venus and Mercury in a nice conjunction (ie. "together") you have a good starting point for being able to express yourself artistically.

    Now if you put that conjunction in a place that is able to affect what comes out of your mouth (mouth is the 2nd house) - you are even better off... so for example, if that conjunction happens in the 2nd house, or in the 2nd Sign (taurus)... or in the 8th House or Sign (because from there it can aspect the 2nd) that would be great.

    Now you also want to check the 3rd house... this is the origin of talents for expression. I know excellent singers with venus/mercury in the third. I'm a fairly well known singer... I have menus/mercury in the 8th and Taurus Moon. Anyway, check the 3rd house and 3rd house ruler.

    The 5th house also deals with your ability to entertain others.

    The 11th house concerns your ability and opportunity to actually PERFORM your talents.

    As for fame... that's mainly scoped out by the situation that the lord of your rising sign is in. A person with all other great indications for singing but with a week ascendant will be a great singer in an unknown band or something like that.

    There's many more factors... they should be considered professionally and explained well to you. You should also check the 10th Divisional Vedic chart to see where your greatest potentials for success lie.

    One more thing, Jupiter controlls the ether and thus controlls sound itself. I have Jupiter in the 10th which helps a music career A LOT.

    My site is below

  5. Vic D is famous.... 108 n excellent astrologer

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