Hello, I'm a student in the 7th grade and I have a few questions about advanced math placement. You see, they had the test in 6th grade and I wasn't given the opportunity to take this test. But I really want to be in advanced math. I am in regular math and it is really easy and my friend and I finish before most people in our class, and it's really frustrating.
My second question is what can I expect to be on the test if I ask/am given the test(if i make it I will do Algebra 1). I need to know so I can study for it.
My third question is how do I go about asking my teacher. I don't want to sound snobbish or anything, especially not in front of my other classmates. My friends say I am too smart for regular math and I agree with them. I am also in Academic Bowl in school, and I am the only member who isn't in advanced math.
Thanks so much for helping, this really means a lot to me :)