
Advanced Placement and Honors classes.?

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1) What are the benefits of AP? Of Honors?

2) What are the difficulties, negatives, and other cons of AP? Of Honors?

3) Any other additional information, personal suggestions, etc?




  1. AP and Honors classes are very helpful as they are more challenging then the average High School class and can to some degree help to prepare you for the more challenging courses you will undoubtedly face in college.  AP classes of course are the best, you receive college credit and colleges like to see that you took the initiative to try and challenge yourself with a more difficult class.  Honors classes are the same way, the weigh more heavily on your GPA which is always a good thing but they are not as beneficial as AP due to the fact that they are relatively similar as far as difficulty but in Honors you do not receive the college credit that you do in AP.  The cons of both Honors and AP classes are they require a lot more of your time to study and prepare essays and often times take time away from other things that you might normally be doing such as sports or social activities.  Sometimes the added stress of Honors and AP classes can cause students to let their grades in other classes that are slightly less challenging drop because they spend so much time preparing for these difficult classes.  Overall I think that if you are willing to put forth the effort then AP and Honors classes are extremely worth it, they open multiple doors of oppourtunity and overall help to make you a more "well- rounded person".

  2. 1)

    Benefits of AP:

    =You get college credits if you pass the AP exam, and save money

    =you get points added to your grade in that class and have a higher weighted GPA (depends on your school)

    =you learn more

    =look great on college apps.

    Benefits of Honors:

    =It's easier than AP

    =look better than standard/regular classes, but not as good as AP

    =points added to your GPA, although not as much as AP (but this depends on your school)


    cons of AP:

    =you have to study more

    =you have to pay for the exam fee (though some schools pays for it)

    cons of Honors:

    =doesn't look as good as AP classes

    =doesn't get you out of any college courses


    Take AP!

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