
Advanced sudoku players, a question for you...?

by  |  earlier

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I have been doing sudokus for about two years and can do the hardest ones our local paper offers. However on some of the advanced ones I am reduced to guessing at the end. I exhaust all logical possibilities and when nothing else works I pick a box that has two possibilities. I chose one of the numbers and fill in the other boxes accordingly. If it doesn't work out then I know the one I guessed first has to be the other number.

Anyway, my question for all you die-hard sudoku players is this...Are you ever reduced to guessing or can you always finish the puzzle logically? Thanks.




  1. I finish it logically only no matter how hard it is because they are to be solved in that way and I like it too!

  2. im not a huge sodoku person but my dad is and he did evry possibility and he couldnt do it with out guessing

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