
Advantages of an iPod over other mp3s at the same price range?

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I'm thinking of getting a new mp3, and definately considering an iPod. So could you guys answer my question, please? Classic and nano comparisons seperately, no shuffle.




  1. i have had lots of experience with different mp3 players and ipods. right now i have an ipod touch though. the classic is nice for someone who has thousands of song and movies. the nano is more for just someone who is going to get a few hundred songs and a couple music videos. i wouldn't recommend the nano for someone who wants to watch movies on it because the screen is sort of small. usually the other mp3 brands are more difficult to manage.  i know your looking for a nano or classic but i would recommend the ipod touch. you can play games, I.M., listen to music, go on the internet, and watch movies on a 3.5 inch screen. hope this helped you.

  2. There's unarguably millions of iPod owners out there, and those numbers don't lie. iPods are durable & very easy to use in my experience. Most people I know who choose otherwise either have a grudge against Apple or want features that iPods don't have (yet), like radio or voice recording.

    I think the 80 GB classic is a good deal, price-for-memory wise. I've had mine since they came out last August and I don't have any qualms about it's battery life or functionality.

    Other mp3 players have different features over the iPod, like the ones I explained earlier. There are also ones with removable memory (which, in theory, makes it an mp3 player with unlimited storage), but I can't be bothered to buy a couple of SD cards and keep track of what albums are on what card.

    If you do decide on getting an iPod, I recommend the classic over nano. $50 more will get you 10x more memory, a bigger screen, and longer battery life.

  3. Well the iPod's more popular at least.

    Bigger memory but less convenient - Classic

    More convenient but smaller memory - Nano

  4. iPod is a brand name that is very popular.  That is because they are very reliable and are linked to an extensive store on line.

    A good alternative to iPods are Zunes.  They can access radio, chat, and more, but need subscriptions.

    Your choice is either a slightly more expensive iPod to load your songs onto, or a cheaper Zune that requires a subscription for many of its features.

    Personally, I'd go with the newest iPod touch available.  They access wifi for free, have direct access to YouTube, and work with almost no bugs, although they are costly.

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