
Advantages of studying abroad for undergraduate university?

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I am a high school student at the moment, and I'm currently trying to decide which college I want to apply to for my undergraduate studies.

Originally, I was only considering American Ivies and UC's, but there ARE other equally as prestigious universities.

I was wondering what the advantages were of studying abroad, instead of studying at home in the states.

Also, how much more would it cost than an out-of-state university?




  1. It makes you more well-rounded and cultured.

    College in Sweden is free; all a student must pay is for their room and board.

    Also, Swedish is an easy language for English speakers to learn.

  2. Great that you're thinking of this now!  UCs have great study abroad programs and are sister schools with universities all throughout the world.  I'm a huge advocate for the study abroad programs (I went to England and did a year there!)

    The advantages of studying abroad is that you get to live in an entirely different country and culture!  You don't know how much education I received from not only the books but real life experience!  I am now older and have graduated university, however, I can relate to different people and who else can say that they have lived in Europe??  Not only do that have Europe, but Australia is a great place for Marine biology and they have Asian countries as well!

    The cost is actually quite do-able.  It really depends on which university you would like to attend, but when I applied, it didn't cost but more than several thousand more than what I was paying at the university I attended in the states ($3-5K?  I forgot.  It was a while ago).  Yes, a several thousand is a lot of money, however, if it's for gaining all that life experience and being able to live in another country?  Definitely worth it!  Check with your study abroad section in the university you choose and ask them.  The counselors are great help!

    I encourage EVERYONE to try it at least once!  You won't get this opportunity again!


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