
Advent Calendars in the shops already. Whose gonna buy?

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Chris - Thank you for your detailed answer!! I do agree that we lose sight of

what Christmas is about, but we really

do understand the meaning!! We too

start decorating our home at the end of

November and take the trimmings down 12th night. And we believe its a magical time for the children, but a sad time too when we no longer have loved

ones that are no longer with us. Thats why we always have a toast to 'absent friends'. I will wish you the very best of

the Christmas season (when we get there). Minxy.




  1. Think what you're asking. Look at the calendar. If that isn't a definition of insanity, I don't know what would qualify!

    Every year about this time, I make the hike up our attic stairs with two large, empty boxes. I dig out all the Christmas stuff from last year and spread it out all around me on the floor and then go sit down and look at it. I don't think anything, I just look and look. This process goes on for about an hour, while I usually listen to some classical music to relax, as well.

    Then, I grab a cup of hot coffee and slowly take each item and hold it, think about it, look at it, and make the decision to keep or give to charity. Every year I prune out two large boxes of stuff. We only have four boxes to start with each time, so this actually amounts to cutting our Christmas things in half each year.

    I do this to remind myself that Christmas is not about credit cards, decorating stuff, getting stuck and yelling in traffic and not writing enough cards nor spending enough money. I do it to remind myself that Christmas is supposed to be about Christ's birthday.  It is supposed to be about Jesus Christ.

    When I am finished, I put what remains on the floor back into two of the four boxes and put it all aside until the last week of November. Then we begin slowly decorating for Christmas. This system works really well, and in so doing or keeping it in place, we never get a glut of baubles and doo-dads to distract us from what is really all about. We celebrate Christmas for about four weeks each year, which is enough. It is not a major shopping event for us in my family. It is a thoughtful event with as few distractions as possible. Simply Christmas, in other words.

    Everyone is different, but in our home, buying stuff and gaudy displays are not the reason we give our attention to Christmas. Many people would just like to flip a switch and make it all go away each year. They have had enough. I am not like them. I love Christmas. I just need to make sure I remember Who it is all about each year.

    Thank you for reading this answer. From Chris, in South Portland, Maine, U.S.A. I am 64, and we have cut back from over SIXTEEN boxes of stuff over the years. Now we are no longer falling over the decorations. Our light bill hardly flickers during December, and we do not spend a fortune on postage. In closing, may I say I hope all of you have a Blessed Christmas.  - C.

  2. Not yet! Too early. i'll wait until mid November. Having said that i was in Tesco today and saw a couple buy children toys and games.

  3. that kinda stuff sells straight away. u would be surprised. we just launched our xmas aisle last week.

  4. Ime going to wait ,,,Yahoo might send us one,,,,,,,

  5. I'm definetly not buying one yet, im trying to ignore all the christmas stuff right now...theres halloween first! I will wait until november n ask my mum to buy one hehe :)

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