
Advertising, marketing

by  |  earlier

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Just want to know more about majoring in advertising and marketing. How much do you make out of college, how far can it take you, is it a good field to get into, just about everything you can please let me know thanks?!!




  1. heyyy,

    Marketing Simplyyy Need Creativityyy , If You are really  creative You gonna achieve a lot in Your career, But what will be The benefit of Just Learning Marketing Without having this creativityyy ,,,,,,In fact Anyone can work In marketing But Only the creative people are the one who succedd...

    You can choose other creative fields that also are related to Marketing such as :_

    1- Advertising

    2- Graphic Design

    Then later You can study or read abt marketing.... not difficult ...

    But If You are undergraduate & You want to study Business You can Join International business , taxation Or marketing,,,

    Best regard,

  2. Check this out for the pay:

    I have a BS in Marketing and am pursuing an MBA in Marketing also.  I think it's a great broad field.  But, it really depends on your personal interests and what you want to spend the rest of your life doing.  You're most likely going to have several 'jobs' before you settle on a 'career' so don't worry about that, but whatever field you get into is going to help you out.

    Think about things you like to do and what companies are related to those things.  Go on to their websites and look at the job postings.  They're usually public and you can get an idea of what type of jobs people there do and what the degree requirements are.

    Best of luck!
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